Valuable addition to any treasure hunting kit! It’s something that every metal detector enthusiast is eventually faced with: You get a beep, so you start digging into the ground with your shovel, and you end up with a big pile of dirt or sand that you have to claw through with your hands. Good news: National Geographic’s Sand Scoop & Trowel Kit does all that hard work for you! If you’re detecting at the beach, you can use the scoop to dig up the sand, give the sifter a gentle shake so it falls out through the small holes, and your prize will be revealed. If the ground is harder, then the rugged trowel is perfectly designed to dig the dirt into your scoop. And the composite material won’t fool your metal detector into giving you false positives. Strong enough for a seasoned enthusiast, yet lightweight enough for a kid to use, this Sand Scoop & Trowel kit is sure to become one of your most indispensable metal-detecting tools. And it’s backed by National Geographic’s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
1 个月前