Exclusive Geoscience Industries Deals and Offers
Unlock the true essence of Geoscience Industries—where craftsmanship and performance meet.
Apress Machine Learning in the Oil and Gas Industry: Including Geosciences, Reservoir Engineering, and Production Engineering with Python
History, Exploration & Exploitation of Oil and Gas
Geoscientists at Crime Scenes: A Companion to Forensic Geoscience (Soil Forensics)
Geosciences Industries 13357 Introductory Earth Science Classroom Rocks and Minerals Collection
Archeology Dig Kit, Educational Toys Complete Tools Exercise Hands On Ability 7Pcs Jewel Stone Dig Kit For Kindergarten For Gaming
Petroleum Geosciences: Indian Contexts
Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum Geosciences
The Oil of Brazil: Exploration, Technical Capacity, and Geosciences Teaching (1864-1968)
Geoscience And Remote Sensing (Hb)
Geosciences Industries92373 Mineral Identification Kit, Rock Samples for Studying Geology and Earth Science (Set of 20)
Exploration and Production Geoscience: Comprehensive Skills Acquisition for an Evolving Industry
Geoscience and Remote Sensing (HB)
Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing
Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing
ALE for Geology Today and Geoscience Lab Manual 3rd Edition
Directory of Geoscience Departments 2015
Economic Decision Analysis: For Project Feasibility Studies
Mineral Resources, Economics and the Environment
Optimisation of Dynamic Heterogeneous Rainfall Sensor Networks in the Context of Citizen Observatories
Companion to Environmental Studies
Archaeology Dig Kit, PVC Material Easy To Use 7Pcs Exercise Hands On Ability Jewel Stone Dig Kit for Gaming for Kids for Kindergarten
How to Get Expelled from School: A Guide to Climate Change for Pupils, Parents and Punters
Meeting U.S. Energy Resource Needs: The Energy Resources Program of the U.S. Geological Survey
An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
Fracking: Further Investigations into the Environmental Considerations and Operations of Hydraulic Fracturing
Directory of Geoscience Departments 2020: 55th Edition
Assessment of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Program: II. Ecology
Archeology Excavation Kit, practical and easy to use Complete tool Kindergarten Gem Excavation Kit for games
Hardrock Mining on Federal Lands
Directory of Geoscience Departments 2014
Dear queologia, fácil deusar, 7 peças, practical exercício, habilidade, kit de escavação depedra, parajardim de infância parajogos
Directory of Geoscience Departments 2016
Directory of Geoscience Departments 2021: 56th Edition
Directory of Geoscience Departments, and other geoscience organizations 47th Edition
Unconventional Resources in India: The Way Ahead
Directory of Geoscience Departments 2018
The Geotourism Industry in the 21st Century: The Origin, Principles, and Futuristic Approach
Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives
Quantitative Geosciences: Data Analytics, Geostatistics, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling
2020 Tech Trend Report: Strategic trends that will influence business, government, education, media and society in the coming year
Geology and the Environment
A brief history of the development of Shenzhen's jewelry industry (1981-2021)(Chinese Edition)
Innovative Exploration Methods for Minerals, Oil, Gas, and Groundwater for Sustainable Development
The Oil of Brazil: Exploration, Technical Capacity, and Geosciences Teaching (1864-1968) (Historical Geography and Geosciences)
This Is My Geoscientist Notebook
Imperial College Lectures In Petroleum Engineering, The - Volume 3: Topics In Reservoir Management
Petrophysical Characterization and Fluids Transport in Unconventional Reservoirs
Globale Getreidemärkte: Technoliberalismus und gefährdete Existenzsicherung in Nordafrika
Geoscience Internship Notebook: Geoscience Internship Notebook | Diary | Log | Journal
Nonlinear identification using adaptive local linear neuro-fuzzy: Application of nonlinear identification in chemical industry and geoscience
Shale Gas: Exploration and Environmental and Economic Impacts
EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION GEOSCIENCE: Comprehensive Skills Acquisition for an Evolving Industry
Exploration and Research on Vocational Education Model of Land and Resources Industry(Chinese Edition)
Geoscience Professional Orientation Notebook: Geoscience Professional Orientation Notebook | Diary | Log | Journal
Petrophysics: A Practical Guide
Seismic Imaging Methods and Applications for Oil and Gas Exploration
Time Lapse Approach to Monitoring Oil, Gas, and Co
Environmental and Health Issues in Unconventional Oil and Gas Development
Unconventional Resources in India: The Way Ahead (SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering)
Economic Decision Analysis: For Project Feasibility Studies (SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering)
LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications
Fluid-Solid Interactions in Upstream Oil and Gas Applications
Fostering Industry-Initiated Environmental Protection Efforts
Hardrock Mining on Federal Lands
Earth Sciences in the Age of the Satellite
Geoscience Education and Training: In schools and universities, for industry and public awareness
History, Exploration & Exploitation of Oil and Gas (Historical Geography and Geosciences)
Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum Geosciences
Economic Decision Analysis: For Project Feasibility Studies (SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering)
The Oil of Brazil: Exploration, Technical Capacity, and Geosciences Teaching (1864-1968) (Historical Geography and Geosciences)
Machine Learning in the Oil and Gas Industry: Including Geosciences, Reservoir Engineering, and Production Engineering with Python
Atlas of Microbial Mat Features Preserved within the Siliciclastic Rock Record: Volume 2 (Atlases in Geoscience)
Fostering Industry-Initiated Environmental Protection Efforts
Exploration and Production Geoscience: Comprehensive Skills Acquisition for an Evolving Industry